2015 Calendar

Sunday 15 FebruaryClub Shoot, Chillingham
Sunday 15 MarchClub Shoot, Chillingham
Sunday 19 AprilClub Shoot, Chillingham
Sunday 17 MayClub Shoot, Chillingham
Sunday 21 JuneClub Shoot, Chillingham
Sunday 19 JulyClub Shoot, Chillingham
Sunday 16 AugustClub Shoot, Chillingham
Sunday 20 SeptemberClub Shoot, Chillingham
Sunday 18 OctoberClub Shoot, Chillingham
Sunday 15 NovemberClub Shoot, Chillingham
December 2015Christamas Shoot -TBA


  1. Hi we are new to the area and are looking for archery tuition for one adult and two kids (11 and 6) I was wondering if you could suggest a starting point for us.

    1. Hi Leah
      Give Kate a call on 0416 187 963 and come along to our next club shoot on the 16th. We have club bows you can use and we'll give you some pointers before we head out.
